Multiple pregnancies: from detection to management

Saturday 16 May 2009, Luxembourg Palace

Multiple pregnancies account for about 13 000 births a year, and about half of these children are born prematurely. After an increase in the frequency of multiples births, associated with both the age of the mother and fertility treatment, there is now a tendency towards stabilisation. Nevertheless, these births entail many complications for both mother and child, necessitating proper management by experienced medical teams.

Various specialists, researchers in epidemiology, gynaecologists, obstetricians and child psychiatrists presented an account of the latest findings on multiple pregnancies These multidisciplinary talks offered a global view of the subject, from both a human and a scientific angle.

This conference also represented an opportunity for the PremUp foundation to present its work on the detection and management of prematurity.

Témoignage de Charlotte Pierron

  • Dossier de presse 2ème Assise PremUp 2009

  • Actes Assises PremUp 2009